Home Assistant Homekit Not Working after update(0.80.3)

This Home Assistant 80.3 was released in 2018. Now, the current version is 2024.4.4 released in 2024. You will be able to solve all the errors and issues on this latest update. So if you are interested in using the older version, Then It is time to update the Home Assistant. Also, this article will help you with the Best Solutions to solve Home Assistant Homekit Not Working after the update(0.80.3).

Home Assistant Homekit Not Working after update(0.80.3)

Home Assistant Homekit Not Working After Update? 

There will be several reasons for not working. Reasons like Homekit bridge apps, homekit, or accessory not connected, might be the configuration error and so on. Here, we can find the best solution for all the issues. Furthermore, before starting this guide, just check that the Home Assistant 0.80.3 is in active status. If not active, update the version or else follow the below-given guide, just scroll down.

Also, read Homekit Apple TV 17.3 Not Working 

Home Assistant not Working

First, you should check that the Home assistant hardware is plugged in correctly. Also, check that the hardware like the Home Assistant green box, DIY solution, Home Assistant yellow, etc are Installed correctly. Apart from this, Ensure that Operating systems are running successfully. OS like Home Assistant container, supervised, core, and so on. Once you completed all the processes, and still facing that the Home Assistant Homekit is Not Working, Just read below.

Backup is not Working After the Update 0.80.3 

Yeah! This issue is faced by all the people who are using the Home Assistant on Homekit. So, first, you do need a good internet connection. Then, ensure the account credentials and accessories details are correctly entered on the device. Furthermore, check that the Hass.io software is correctly installed. If all the software and account credentials are perfectly matched with a home assistant, then restart the whole device and try again for Backup.

Check the Network connection

Once you update to 0.80.3 version on your home assistant, It needs to have a reliable network to work on your device. So, if you have a good internet connection on your wifi or the router, You can solve the Home Assistant Homekit Not Working error.

Read more on How to Fix Homekit Automations Not Working.

Home Assistant Homekit Not Working – Glitch effects 

Glitches and bugs are common errors on the Apps. If you are experiencing a glitch effect on the Home Assistant app or home app, just clear the recent tabs and clear cache the space on your device. Or restart the device to remove this effect. Still facing the same Glitch effects, just check the power supply, power cable, or other HDMI Cables are connected correctly.

Home Assistant Homekit Not Working – Server status

Check the server status of the Home Assistant app or in the Home app. Because in recent days server errors have occurred often. To check this server status, you should visit the Home app or Home Assistant official site. Or else, join their social media platform to get the updates. Therefore, if the status is good, then don’t worry, it’s not a big issue. Just scroll down, for more solutions.

Home Assistant Homekit Not Working – Updation Failed.

Ensure that plugins are installed correctly. Yeah! Once you update the Home Assistant on your device. Then, some accessories may not work on the new version of Home Assistant. So, you should install the new plugins/Integrations for the non-working accessories and connect to Home Assistant. Once you configure the Plugin, then, you can use the accessories on Homekit.

Also, read How to Fix Home Hubs Not Responding Error?

Home Assistant Homekit Not Working – Bridge apps

If you are using the Home Assistant app on your device with the Bridge apps for automating the accessories, then ensure that the plugins and the configuration of Bridge apps are done correctly. Furthermore, use the latest version of bridge apps for automating the accessories with Homekit. In short, by updating the Home Assistant Bridge apps, you may get a chance to relieve this trouble.

Read also, Apple Homekit Not Responding Error

Final Words

I hope this article provides detailed information on the Home Assistant Homekit Not Working after the update(0.80.3). My opinion is, if you are facing more errors and bugs on this version., then install the latest version of 2024. This version is available on the official site. Furthermore, if you have any doubts related to this article, just use the comment box.

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