How to Connect Zidoo to Homekit?

How to connect Zidoo to Homekit? This article provides a step-by-step guide for automating the zidoo device in the homeapp. Moreover, you can automate the latest version like Android 14.0 using these guides. Even though Zidoo supports only an Android system, you can automate the device through Homekit. And yeah! Carlos Gamez has developed and developed homekit integration for Zidoo. Furthermore, to know the guide for connecting zidoo to Homekit.

How to Connect Zidoo to Homekit?

Is Zidoo compatible with Homekit?

Yes, Zidoo is compatible with Homekit but not directly. You should need the bridge software to connect the Zidoo to HomeKit. To connect Zidoo with Homekit, you should need a good network connection. Also, all the Zidoo devices are not compatible with Homekit. To know the exact Zidoo models, just read below.

Compatible Zidoo device with Homekit;

Once, you connect Zidoo with Homekit, then you can automate all the features of the Zidoo device. For this automation, You should set up the Zidoo device in your home and connect with the home app using the bridge software on your device. This Zidoo device is a processor for Devices like TVs, speakers, and so on. Moreover,

  • Z9x 
  • Z2000 Pro
  • NEO Alpha
  • Z1000 Pro
  • Zidoo Z20 Pro is the best device and can be used for automation.

So before installing the plugins, check that your device is compatible with homekit.

Also, read How to connect Sonos to Homekit?

How to Connect Zidoo to Homekit?

You can’t connect this Zidoo to Homekit directly. You should use any bridge software to connect Zidoo to homekit. Yes, once you have a home app on your device, then you can automate all the Zidoo devices in your home. Furthermore, You can connect the Zidoo to the homekit using the Homebride and Hoobs software.

Connect Zidoo To Homekit using Homebridge

This Homebridge is the best bridge software and it acts as the bridge for the Non – homekit device to connect to the homekit. Furthermore, with this homebridge, you can get access to the Zidoo device to Homekit.

To install the Homebridge on your device, just read this What is Homebridge

Once you install the Homebridge on your device, just insert the plugins for Automation.

Zidoo Homebridge Plugins 

You will get the Zidoo plugins for homebridge on the official site. So, from the homepage >> Tap on any web browser >> Search for Homebridge plugins >> Zidoo plugins >> Install the Plugins. Or else use the plugins available below for installing the Zidoo on Homekit.


"name": "Zidoo Z9X",
"pollingInterval": 1000,
"modelName": "Z9X",
"manufacturer": "Zidoo Inc",
"newPlatformUUID": false,
"mediaButtons": false,
"movieB": false,
"autoIPMac": true,
"platform": "zidooPlugin"

Connect Zidoo to homekit using Hoobs 

If you don’t have the homebridge device or plugins for connecting Zidoo to homekit.Then, you can try the Hoobs box. This hoob box is available in both online and offline stores. Once you buy this, you should set up and install the hoobs with Homekit.

For installing the Hoobs: What is HOOBS? 

Once you set up the Hoobs box with your device, then you should enter the Plugins of the Zidoo to automate the device through the home app.

Enter Zidoo Plugins for Hoobs

You should install these Zidoo plugins on the Hoobs for automation. For this, you should go to any web browser >> search for the Hoobs >> Tap on plugins >> search for Zidoo >> Select any of the plugins from the listed plugins. Once you find the perfect Zidoo plugins for automation, you should add those plugins to the Hoobs box. And atlast you should configure those plugins. For the configuration, you can visit the above guide.

That’s it. Once you add and install the plugins of the Zidoo device on hoobs or homebridge software, you can automate the features of the Zidoo device using the Home app.

Zidoo App on your device

If you don’t get the plugins of the homebridge and hoobs software for automation. Then, install the Zidoo controller app on your device from the Apple app store. It’s completely free to access and It’s free for automation. Once, you install the app, just create the account. Then, add the Zidoo device. Finally, access and automate through the Apple device.

Also, read Connect Vision Pro on Homekit

Why should I use a Zidoo device for automation?

This Zidoo is one of the best brands for Android media players and Home theaters. If you are a movie lover or a party freak, then you can use this Zidoo device to create a home theater in your house. These Zidoo devices support the Blueray. So in short, to get a good sound effect or theater effects, just use this Zidoo device. Moreover, you can also automate these device features in the home app.

Final Words

I hope this article provides the full details on How to Connect Zidoo to homekit. Finally, automating the devices through the Home app makes it easy and flexible to operate the features rather than, changing the features manually. So, if you have a chance to operate the features on the home app, don’t miss it. Also if you have any doubts related to this article, just use the comment section.

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